It is vital to remember that anxiety is not a common situation that happens just to humans. Instead, other animals can suffer from this particular problem too. For instance, you should remember that dogs can have severe anxiety attacks that can happen due to numerous reasons.
Similarly, as any other unhealthy behavior, chewing, barking and biting everything in sight can be an indication that you must handle the anxiety in your canine friend. Still, you can rest assured, because it is a curable psychological problem that can either be managed or dealt with. Therefore, it is noticeable only in specific situations.
Suppose you have a dog that suffers from anxiety. In that case, you should stay with us to learn about different approaches and methods that will help you support your dog and boost the overall efficiency. It is vital to enter here, which will help you learn more about soothing effects. Therefore, you should stay with us to learn more about it.
Anxiety in Dogs
It is vital to remember that anxiety can manifest in numerous ways from shivering and whimpering to barking and whining. At the same time, you can find that your dog has become hostile or destructive while anxious, which is another problem you may face along the way.
After a while, they may lose their appetite, which can lead to becoming a completely withdrawn. Therefore, you must address the problem before it starts affecting the overall health.
The most common reason dogs feel anxiety is due to abandonment reasons, loud noises, fear of being alone, being around strange people, long traveling, or hanging next to other pets or children. In some cases, anxiety can happen in dogs that have been neglected or abused, which is another important consideration.
The best way to treat your companion is by determining the cause. Generally, the anxiety can be easily identified if you understand the symptoms mentioned above. The moment you notice a pattern, you should find a reason. Afterward, the treatment will become more manageable than in other moments
In further article, we wish to talk about different approaches you can take to prevent anxiety or to alleviate the symptoms. Let us start from the beginning.
1. Exercise
In case your dog has a separation anxiety, you should remember that regular exercise is Calming for Dogs, especially if you implement schedule based on your free time. Generally, having a separation anxiety can be treated by not leaving them, which is impossible. Therefore, you should implement bonding time and exercise, which will tire them out.
Since the anxiety is caused by excessive levels of energy, when you take your dog outside to play ball or for a long walk, you will find the process soothing and helpful for both of you. The main idea is to provide the regular physical contact and talking with them can be highly beneficial throughout the process.
Similarly, as with humans, physical exercise and engagement will maintain healthy brain chemicals, boost endorphin release and prevent potential issues that may happen if you avoid regular workout.
2. Massage
You probably understand that anxious dogs are finding comfort in your presence, meaning when you bond with them through touching and hugging, that will immediately alleviate stress and discomfort.
The moment your canine friend experiences an anxiety attack, you should be next to them, pick them up, cuddle on the couch or pet them. Another way to ensure the best course of action is through massage, which will work wonders. Anxiety leads to muscles that are in tension, meaning massage therapy can help you alleviate tension.
The main idea is to start at the neck and work downward. Of course, you should keep one hand on the dog, while the other should massage them. As a result, you will be able to identify where the dog holds the tension, meaning you can work on that specific part.
3. Music
It is vital to remember that music therapy is highly beneficial for both humans and canine friends. The power of music can be relaxing and calming no matter where you are. Remember that music can alleviate the sound sensitivity outside of the house, while it will also block the unwanted firework sounds and create barrier to prevent anxiety attacks.
The type of music is also important, meaning you can find wide array of playlists specifically created for dogs that use binaural frequencies to reduce stress. According to experts, classical music is preferable choice, especially harp music, which functions as a natural sedative. Visit this link: to learn more about different breeds and their traits.
4. Calming Vests
Finally, you should remember that calming t-shirts or vests are also effective for reducing the anxiety and ensuring the overall comfort. That way, you will provide the consistent pressure to dog’s torso, meaning it will be surrounded with cloth. It is a perfect solution for dogs that suffer from stress due to noise, separation, travel or stranger anxiety.
Of course, everything depends on your dog’s size and breed, but you should think about finding different models and options based on the brand and type of vest you wish to get. We recommend you to conduct research before making up your mind.